“We were stolen, but we don’t want to be forgotten.”

Bessy Kriss

“It is a sacred site to us. It is unfinished business. It has been in the too-hard basket for too long.”

Daniel Forrester

“We are all devastated and hurt that it is being sold. We feel like it is just wiping out the history of our childhood. Like ‘get rid of that we’ll get rid of the problem. Erase it. If we erase the buildings we are going to erase the problems.’”

Eileen Moseley

“This chapel is the only church I ever knew. The cathedral in Canberra means nothing to me.”

Daniel Forrester

“We used to go to the ramp to cry for our mothers.”

Anne Ronberg

“We have had many funerals for our people at the chapel there. And if people from St Mary’s have their service in town, I take soil from St Mary’s and sprinkle it on their graves.”

Eileen Moseley